Getting Older

Getting Older

Getting older.
It is a luxury denied many, and yet in our Western society we tend to look upon aging with despair. Sure, I’m not crazy about my loss of estrogen, weakening eyesight, relentless greying hair, and slower metabolism…
BUT: there is an amazing sense of freedom that accompanies getting older. I simply do not waste my time “shoulding” all over myself as I did in my younger years. If I don’t want to do something that is not congruent with my values, ethic, or beliefs, I don’t do it. Better yet: I resist second-guessing myself about it.
Something else that I have learned is that sometimes the people we think should (there it is again) love and support us, simply do not have the capacity or desire to do so.

While there is no question it can be deeply hurtful to be turned away from one’s family-of-origin, we have a choice to create the family of our choosing, and go where we are lovingly embraced and welcomed – not tolerated or made to feel lesser-than, but to feel truly celebrated, and deeply seen. This to me is love in its purist form: a love not rooted in the perception that we are supposed to love another based on shared DNA, but love fueled by authenticity and true spiritual essence.
Once you honour your highest truths, others will respond to that light that shines within you. Those people are your tribe.
If you are finding yourself without your tribe, I urge you to not give up -they are there. Shine your authentic light so they can find you. And keep yourself open to the possibility that sometimes the best people you can surround yourself with can be met in some of the least likely of places.
