Soul Child

Soul Child

I believe we are happiest when we are in touch with our Soul Child.   Think of how a child sees the magic in every little thing.  While it is true that many things simply cannot hold that sense of wonder we once felt as a small child, there are opportunities available to us all the time we can choose to dig deeper into. We use the term “awesome” regularly, but when was the last time you genuinely felt AWE?  Oliver Burkeman posits that Awe is the powerful emotion with strange and beautiful effects.    

Awe encompasses fear, reverence, admiration, euphoria, and the feeling of smallness in the face of vastness.  One of the biggest lures for me in traveling is that it increases opportunities to experience awe.  But, I am also fortunate to experience awe right where I live on beautiful, awe-inspiring Vancouver Island.  Awe is found in nature, art, humanity, connection, love, and the resiliency of the human spirit.  Personally, I can feel awe watching America’s Got Talent or watching a children’s track meet. There is something so profoundly beautiful watching people give something their all.  I also experience awe working with clients who courageously embrace vulnerability to become more connected, happy, healthy, and whole.  Witnessing demonstrations of love are profoundly awe-inspiring (see here:

Experiencing awe is at the core of being a Soul Child – it is a feeling of aliveness, embracing authenticity, being curious and open to new experiences, resisting conformity & complacency, and feeling the fear, but choosing to not let that stop you from following your dreams.  Experiencing awe is something you can choose to embrace.  Pretty freaking AWEsome. ❤