
Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDRIA)
Treating Dissociative Disorders with EMDR: The Progressive Approach (EMDIRA – Dolores Mosquera)
EMDR Therapy for Personality Disorders and Complex Traumatization (EMDRIA -Dolores Mosquera)
Healing Developmental Disruptions (Bodynamic Developmental Psychology)
Integrative Body Psychotherapy (IBP)
The Biology Residue of Early Life Adversity (Greg Miller)
The Biology of Loss & Early Life Stress (Gabor Mate)
How Traumatic Memories Can Be Stored in the Body & Released (Bessel van der Kolk)
Borderline Personality Disorder – Understanding and Supporting
Trauma and Attachment Conference (Attachment & Trauma Centre for Healing – Bessel van der Kolk)
Dr. Bruce Perry: The Impact of Trauma & Neglect on the Developing Child
Dr. Bruce Perry: Child Trauma & Neglect – Impact, Assessment & Intervention
Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy (AEDP): The Dyadic Repair of Attachment Trauma (Dr. Diana Fosha; Certification)
The Masterson Approach (Disorders of the Self)
Healing the Fragmented Selves of Trauma Survivors: Overcoming Self-Alienation (Janina Fisher)
Internal Family Systems (IFSCA – Derek Scott)
Observed & Experiential Integration (OEI) Therapy (Sight Psych)
Brainspotting, Phase 1 (Brainspotting International)
Understanding & Working with Cultic Trauma (Pasadena Trauma Therapy -Cristina Mardirossian)
Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Level 1 (2-year program – Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Institute)
Bringing the Body into Practice Level 1 Somatic Attachment Psychotherapy (2-year program -Lisa Mortimore). I can be found on this organization’s referral page here:
Certification Clinical Counselling Hypnotherapist (C.Hyp™) with Parts Work & Inner Child Best Practices Certificate (Daybreak Therapy and Training) *in progress*
Substance Abuse-specific
The Matrix Core Addiction Program, California
SMART recovery
Addiction and Mental Health – Working with Co-occurring Disorders
Core Addiction Practice (Island Health)
The Hungry Ghost: A biopsychosocial spiritual perspective on addiction (Gabor Mate)
First Nations Child & Youth Care (Vancouver Island University)
Circle of Courage: Developmental Audit Training (Reclaiming Youth International – Larry Brendtro)
Introduction to Peacemaking Circles (Simon Fraser University, Centre for Restorative Justice)
Harlan Pruden: Two-Spirit: A Conversation on Reclaiming our Place of Honour (Vancouver Island University Positive Space Alliance)
Dr. Gabor Mate: A Symposium on the Biology of Loss and Cultural Competence (Tillicum Lelum Aboriginal Friendship Centre)
San’yas Indigenous Cultural Training – First Nations Health Authority
Small Acts of Living: Everyday Resistance to Violence & Other Forms of Oppression (Response Based Practice – Alan Wade, Ph.D)
Turning the Conversations about Trangenderism toward Empathy (BCACC)
Jikiden Reiki, Levels 1 & 2 (Shoden & Okuden)
I am an approved vendor with the First Nations Health Authority and can be found here.
couples and family
Family Systems / Bowenian Theory
The Gottman Method of Couples Counselling: Levels 1 & 2
Emotionally Focused Therapy Summit San Diego (Keynote speakers: Dr. Sue Johnson, Dr. Gabor Mate, Dr. Louis Castonguay, Dr. Jeff Simpson)
Healing Shame in Couples and Other Relationships (The Center for Healing Shame)
The Sexually Competent Therapist (Diana Sadat, Allura Centre)
Helping Children & Teenagers Develop Resilience in the Face of Stress (Sonia Lupien)
Mark Wolynn: Family Constellations (San Francisco Family Constellations Institute)
first responder-specific
Occupational Awareness Training for Therapists (First Responder Trauma) Levels 1 & 2 (First Responder Health)
Nanaimo Region Educational Training – Mental Health Competency for Supporting First Responders (First Responder Health)
I am endorsed by the BC Professional Firefighters Association, and can be found here.
Havening Techniques Training (Dr. Kate Truitt)
Mindfulness Self-Compassion Facilitator Training (Steven Hickman @ The Omega Institute)
Interpersonal Neurobiology of the Developing Mind: How Relationships & the Brain Interact to Shape Who We Are (Dan Siegel)
Reframing Challenging Behaviour (Kim Barthel)
DBT in a Nutshell (Portland DBT Institute)
Enhanced Plasticity in the Brain Recovery & Function (Michael Stryker)
Epigenetics of Early Life Adversity: The Implications for Mental Health (Moshe Szyf)
Cultivating the Inner Lives of Students & Teachers (Collaboration for Academic, Social, & Emotional Learning – Linda Lantieri)
Focusing-Oriented Dream Workshop (Dr. Leslie Ellis)
Exploring Psychedelic Medicines (MAPS Canada)
Clinical Supervision Fundamentals Course (Evangeline Willms Theiessen & Estera Boldut)
Spirituality Without Bypassing (Lissa Rankin & Richard Schwartz)
Breath: Recalibrate (Linda Nicholls @ The Haven Institute)