What is secondary wounding?

What is Secondary Wounding? Secondary wounding occurs when people who have experienced trauma are met with unsupportive responses to their pain. It is not surprising that not everyone can provide empathic responses to another’s pain story. However, it is the friends, family members, and those in the ‘helping’ profession (counsellors, police officers, social workers, clergy, […]

We’ve Always Done It This Way

We’ve Always Done It This Way We’ve Always Done It This Way. I have been told this phrase in some form my whole life. As someone with a whole lot of psychological training, I know that the reason this phrase is uttered so frequently is because most people fear change. I guess I’m not wired […]


Sawubona Sawubona is a Zulu greeting that translates to “I see you, you are important to me and I value you”.  While us Westerners are accustomed to a greeting of “How you doing?” or “How’s it going?” with the usual perfunctory response of “Fine, how are you?”, Sawubona conveys acceptance at where the other person […]

The Golden Years?

The “Golden” Years? In collectivist* societies around the world, older people (“elders”) are most often considered people of authority and esteemed for the wisdom they have cultivated during their years of lived experience.  Traditional cultural norms in collectivist societies were that senior members were frequently cared for in their offspring’s familial home.  Many collectivist societies […]


THE LAMPS ARE DIFFERENT BUT THE LIGHT’S THE SAME  ~Rumi I am a lover of travel and culture.  I have come to appreciate that I can learn something new from every person I meet (sometimes whether I want to or not).  I also am a firm believer that we really are more alike than we […]