Bend, not Break

Bend, not Break As evidenced by the research of esteemed neuroscientist Louis Cozolino, 90% of the present moment is defined by our past experiences. Fear receptors in our brains act on information a split second before our thinking brain can come online. The fear is conditioned which means that you’ve associated something with negative experiences: […]

Shadow Work

Shadow Work In psychology terms, the term “shadow” is used to describe the parts within all of us that we may try to hide, suppress or deny. It was originally coined by psychoanalyst and psychiatrist Carl Jung (1975-1961). Our “shadow” comprises aspects of our personality that we deem to be shameful such as childhood traumas […]

The Silent Treatment

The Silent Treatment The silent treatment is the act of ignoring and excluding a person or group by another person or group. The silent treatment is one of the forms of ostracism that most of us have experienced.  In addition to the silent treatment, physical examples of ostracism are having written communication (text, email) not […]

The Art of Living

The Art of Living Living in a time of reduced social interactions due to COVID might be making you feel an overwhelming sense of pressure to do more. Maybe you had big plans to renovate your house, increase revenue by starting that side-gig, take that online course, or write that book…but those intentions and your […]

Healing is Personal, Relational, and Societal

Healing is Personal, Relational, and Societal I strive to be intentional about discussing race, gender, class, culture, and sexuality with clients as I believe the therapeutic space is an environment to discuss how personal and societal elements impact our well-being and ability to thrive. As a white therapist, I chose to help white clients lean […]

Instant Confidence Booster: Say Your Name!

Instant Confidence Booster: Say Your Name! Have you ever had a fear of interviews, or public speaking, or pitching a proposal at work, or meeting your partner’s friends/parents/co-workers for the first time? A great little confidence booster is to use your name in relation to how you are feeling. Sam’s example: Sam is scared to […]

We’ve Always Done It This Way

We’ve Always Done It This Way We’ve Always Done It This Way. I have been told this phrase in some form my whole life. As someone with a whole lot of psychological training, I know that the reason this phrase is uttered so frequently is because most people fear change. I guess I’m not wired […]

The Myth of Catharsis

The Myth of Catharsis The term catharsis comes from the Ancient Greek word katharsis, which means purification/cleansing through the purging of emotions or the relieving of emotional tensions. The grandfather of psychology, Sigmund Freud revived the concept of catharsis. He believed that one needs to express bottled up negative emotions to avoid adverse psychological issues […]

Life Skills to Learn Before High School Graduation

Life Skills to Learn Before High School Graduation In this time of COVID, parents are feeling the pressure to ensure their kids are engaging in their schoolwork. I think family togetherness time can offer a great opportunity to learn needed LIFE SKILLS… know: the stuff that is actually relevant for young people to know when […]

The Importance of Play

The Importance of Play Play may seem like “kid stuff”, but it is paramount to our well-being. Research by Dr. Stuart Brown found a strong correlation between success and playful activity (interestingly, Dr. Brown’s previous research on murderers illuminated that a lack of play in childhood was a common characteristic in killers’ backgrounds…it seems all […]